In daily work, no matter how heavy the production tasks are, they can set an example and lead the project team to carefully check each machine, work overtime to carefully debug and renovate the faulty machine, thus creating significant economic benefits for the company.
For him, seriously answering every technical question is both an improvement and an achievement.
It is the pursuit of every kangda engineer to provide high-quality service to users.
Those fastidious users, more accurately those who have higher expectations for our products and services, are their sharp suggestions and opinions, so that we can more deeply and clearly recognize the deficiencies in our products and services, and let us think deeply and grow faster.
Listening carefully to users' opinions is also a learning process, and thanks them for accompanying us as we grow. Satisfying users' expectations for high-quality products and services will naturally also be recognized by users. Good equipment, a good team of engineers and grid services have enabled Kangda Manufacturing to have better backing support.